Pros and Cons of CCTV towers

CCTV towers are an incredibly popular security tool used in public spaces, construction sites and event venues across the UK.

These towers monitor activity from above, deter criminals, and provide a unique vantage point for you and your security team.

In this article, we will examine some of the biggest pros and cons of this technology.

CCTV Camera


Maximise your security

That’s what they are there for right? The job of CCTV towers is to protect people and property by keeping them under observation at all times. This is a job they do extremely well and the presence of a CCTV tower is a highly effective deterrent against criminals. Put a CCTV tower on site and your risk of being targeted by criminals immediately drops significantly.

Monitor activity from afar

Never again will you need to travel miles to your site simply to check that everything is normal before leaving again. With a CCTV tower in place you can monitor your CCTV from anywhere via a live video feed broadcast via 5G.

Overview of activities

CCTV towers offer a unique perspective on any site, providing you with key information that can be used to optimise your operations, improve productivity, and keep your people safe.

No other technology, except perhaps a drone, is able to offer such a unique perspective.


Deterring criminals, improving productivity, alerting security personnel to any issues, CCTV towers are perhaps the most versatile security technology anywhere on the market.

With high-resolution recording, motion sensors and thermal imaging cameras all installed as standard, CCTV towers can be programmed to meet your own personal unique security needs.


There are very few downsides of CCTV tower installation and it is no fluke that this technology has proven itself time and time again as the very best on the market.

However, no security technology is perfect and given the importance of CCTV surveillance in your system it makes sense that you want to know everything you possibly can, both positive and negative about the technology before you proceed.

With that in mind, here are a few potential downsides of using CCTV tower security.

Privacy worries

Like any CCTV system there are privacy concerns that you need to address. If your CCTV tower is to cover public areas, you need to be 100% confident that you are not falling foul of any legislation regarding privacy or civil liberties.

Installation Costs

Something you need to consider when budgeting for your project is the cost of hiring and installing the CCTV tower. However, CCTV towers are considered as one of the most cost effective security technologies on the market, far cheaper than a fixed CCTV system and certainly a lot cheaper than repairing the criminal activity they are so effective in preventing.

Limited coverage

All CCTV towers have a coverage limit, outside of which radius they will not record. That said, modern CCTV towers offer a pretty impressive coverage area and it is easy to install several towers to cover a wider areas if required.