5 types of construction sites

Construction sites come in many different shapes and sizes depending on the nature of the project, the number of people on site, and the project objectives.

Just some of the most common types of construction sites in the UK include:

Residential construction

New housing is being built in the UK every single day and residential construction is the biggest construction sector as a result.

In reality, making just one category here for residential security construction is simplifying the sector somewhat as houses, apartment buildings, and high-rise flats are only a few of the residential building types that require a unique set of skills and expertise from the contracted construction firm.

The construction of massive high rise flat blocks is such a different project than a single detached home that these projects often err more towards the commercial side of construction.


Commercial construction

Talking of commercial construction, this is another enormous category that can include anything from a massive supermarket or warehouse to a single retail store or small hotel.

These projects can be incredibly complex, with many different factors considered in both the design and build processes.

The planning process in the commercial sector has become even more complex in recent years as environmental factors become more and more important with energy efficiency and the integration of renewable technologies now a major part of the process.

Hybrid projects

Often construction projects aren’t as black and white as either commercial or domestic. They can be both. After all, how often do you see a retail store with residential properties above.

Hybrid use developments are increasingly popular among developers as they reduce risk by diversifying their portfolio.

Transport Projects

Certain construction firms will specialise in transport infrastructure projects such as the construction or maintenance of roads, railways, and other networks of travel across the nation. As many of these pieces of infrastructure are Government funded, only a select few chosen firms will be given this responsibly. As a result of this they will often operate nationwide.


The crossover between landscaping and construction is significant, even though they can be considered as completely different industries.

Public areas such as parks and playparks are often constructed by these companies, and just as much care and attention goes into these projects as it does to any other construction project type.

Security on construction sites

The construction projects in this article are very different in many ways. However, at the end of the day, they are all construction sites and do share many similarities as well.

They all need security, for example, to protect them from the constant threat of criminal activity and other external threats.

Select Security solutions for construction sites are designed to tackle all of the common security risks faced on a modern construction project, including theft, vandalism, and trespassing. They include bespoke security technologies such as biometric access control gates and mobile CCTV towers alongside more traditional measures such as security guards, intruder alarms and CCTV.