5 Most Common Relationship Problems

Relationship problems can be a real pain. As love is a relatively new concept to the human race, we aren’t too good at it yet. You have probably heard many people say “relationships are complicated” or something similar, and this is true. There are so many different variables involved in being good at relationships that you could spend a lifetime just figuring out all of the different problems that can occur.

However, there are some relationship problems that are common in many relationships, and these are the ones this article will focus on.

1. Communication Problems

No matter how long you have been in a relationship with someone, it is always possible for communication to become an issue if you aren’t careful. Communication is the process by which you and your partner work out who does what, when, where, why, and how. The only way a relationship will ever function smoothly is if both people are communicating well enough to be on the same page about everything important.

This also means that it is possible for communication problems to develop even if both people are trying hard to communicate well. Communication can be difficult because it requires active listening, rather than just hearing what the other person says. To actively listen, you have to try to focus your attention on what your partner is saying and understand the full context of the conversation instead of letting yourself get distracted by thoughts about what you will say next.

2. Trust Issues

Trust can be a difficult thing to build up if you have been hurt in the past, but even the most trusting people will sometimes find that they need to rebuild their trust after a betrayal or a bad incident. This is completely normal and it is actually healthy for relationships to go through a mini “trust test” every once in a while to make sure that you don’t become complacent.

The problem comes in when the trust issues never go away, or they get exacerbated by new incidents in a way that makes them hard for either partner to deal with. This is toxic to the relationship because it means one person is always suspicious or worried, and this can lead to constant arguments and a general atmosphere of fear and mistrust.

3. Unmet Expectations

It is important to manage your expectations in life because no one person or thing can ever be exactly what you want them to be all the time. There will always be times when people disappoint us, even when we don’t mean very much to them. We have our own fears and insecurities that cause us to behave a certain way.

These things can all lead to unmet expectations, and even the smallest acts of disappointment can let you know that your partner is not exactly who you thought they were. This can be difficult to deal with emotionally for both partners because it forces them to re-evaluate how they feel about the other person if they thought that they were better or worse than they actually are.

4. Emotional Unavailability

Emotional unavailability is a tricky relationship problem to manage because it is basically like having nothing in common with your partner at all. Even though there may be some things you enjoy doing together, emotional unavailability means that the other person doesn’t want to work on building a deeper and more meaningful connection with you.

This can come from a fear of intimacy, which you might be able to overcome through perseverance and patience. However, if they don’t like sharing their feelings or they are afraid of getting hurt, it can be very difficult for them to try to open up to you.

5. Compatibility Issues

Everyone wants a partner who is attractive, smart, and fun to be around. In the long run, though, compatibility is more important than looks or surface-level interests because it will determine how well your relationship can survive through hard times and stressful events.

The problem with compatibility issues in relationships is that they can come in many different forms. For example, if you are not on the same page about what sort of life you want to lead together, it will be very hard for you to get along because one person might become frustrated with how much time and effort goes into making compromises.

The best way to overcome the problems is to counsel with experts. WashingtonCityPaper.com/article/534154/best-online-therapy/ is known to help people connect with experts in counseling online and get more info about which therapist is good for you.