Surgical vs Non-Surgical Cosmetic Treatments

Thinking of giving your body a welcome boost with a cosmetic treatment that helps you achieve your dream aesthetic?

If so, you have a couple of options. One: go under the knife for cosmetic surgery or two: opt for one of the growing number of different non-surgical cosmetic treatments.

As first glance you might wonder why on earth you would choose surgery when you can avoid it. Fair enough, it’s a good point and more and more people are certainly going down the non-surgical route. However, things aren’t quite that simple.

Despite massive improvements in the results that can be obtained through non-surgical treatments, the results achieved through surgery remain longer lasting and more significant.

Here at Luxe we are one of the UK’s leading non-surgical cosmetic clinics and have developed a range of fantastic skin treatments for you to choose from.

We recognise that some people will still prefer to go down the surgical route but provide a genuine alternative with cost effective procedures that deliver highly impressive results with very little downtime or disruption to your daily life.

Whenever you are making a decision that affects your appearance, you need to take it seriously which is why we have put together this article to help you decide between these two types of procedure.

Skin care

What are the benefits of surgical cosmetic treatments?

There are many potential advantages to choosing surgical cosmetic surgery. One of the biggest ones is that the results last for many years longer than any non-surgical treatment on the market.

Cosmetic treatments can provide you with a genuine confidence boost and dramatically improve your quality of life if you personally feel it will improve your self-esteem.

If surgery goes well, you can enjoy these effects permanently and won’t need to return to the clinic every now and then for a top up. On the other hand, if you do not like the results of your surgery you can’t simply wait for it to wear off and many treatments are irreversible.

A skilled doctor may be able to reverse the effects to some extent but they may deem it too dangerous.

What about non-surgical cosmetic treatments?

Non-surgical cosmetic treatments such as Botox, Dermal fillers, and chemical peels have all risen dramatically in popularity over the past few years. It’s not difficult to see why either as they offer highly impressive results with very little risk or associated down time. Sure, the effects might wear off in a year or so, but many people see this as a positive as they will be able to trial the results and see what they think. The procedures tend to be so short that a return visit to the clinic is hardly a huge inconvenience anyway.

As there is no general anaesthetic involved in these treatments, they tend to be a lot cheaper that surgery and the potential side effects are much fewer and less likely to occur.

On the downside, the results that can be achieved can be slightly less dramatic.