Pros and Cons of Burglar Alarm Installation


Burglar alarms are a mainstay of many home security systems across the UK but there are some who believe they are not that effective in preventing crime.

It is undeniable however, that burglar alarm systems are crucial to those looking to maximise their home security deterring burglars from approaching your property and give homeowners peace of mind that no-one will be able to gain access to your home without attracting attention.

Central FS is one of Scotland’s leading providers of security services and has several years of experience in burglar alarm installation.

We have used this expertise to put together this guide to both the advantages and disadvantages of installing a burglar alarm to allow you to make the most informed decision possible for your home.


There are many different reasons that installing a burglar alarm system is viewed as one of the most effective crime prevention measures available to Scottish homeowners.

Just a few of the biggest benefits of burglar alarm installation include:

Deterring Criminals

One benefit of a burglar alarm that cannot be measured but is hugely significant is the role of the system as a deterrent against potential criminals.

Just the sight alone of an alarm box installed on the front of a house, visible from the road outside, is enough to prevent the vast majority of opportunistic criminals from targeting your property and they will instead move on to look for an easier target.

This deterrent can be amplified by the installation of further highly visible security measures such as CCTV cameras as the very last thing that any burglar wants is to either be caught in the act or identified afterwards.

Reduce insurance

The better your home security measures are, the lower the risk of being the victim of theft or property damage.

This not only gives you peace of mind, but it also reassures your insurance company that they are unlikely to have to fork out to cover such incidents.

For this reason, a burglar alarm installation can actually result in your insurance premiums falling in the months and years following.

Increase House Value

Many property seekers will view a burglar alarm as a major asset to any new home, who want to feel confident that they are moving into a safe and secure environment.

It is estimated that installing a burglar alarm system with a professional security firm such as Central FS can increase the value of your property by as much as £5000, more than paying for your initial installation investment.


Overall, a burglar alarm is unquestionably a worthwhile investment to make, but there are still some negatives to consider.

False Alarms

Dealing with false activations can become tedious at times, and if this happens too often, the correct response may not occur if a real situation arises.

What is worse in this regard is that if you use an alarm response service from an accredited security firm they will notify the police of any potential security breaches and a response team will be deployed to your site.

Whilst this is one of the major benefits of a burglar alarm system, if the police are called to too many false alarms you may lose this privilege and the situation may not be taken seriously in the future if a real emergency takes place.

Luckily, all of the systems provided by Central FS are powered by the latest AI technology so your system will adapt to your environment and only activate if something is out of place.

This prevents repeat instances of alarms going off due to routine movement in your home or garden.

Ongoing Costs

It is not cheap to have an alarm system installed and even less effective DIY systems found in hardware stores can cost well upwards of £200.

Other expenses associated with a monitored alarm system include ongoing maintenance checks, a subscription to a security monitoring service.

Whilst it may be tempting to avoid these costs by not having an alarm system put in place, the cost of theft or burglary would be much higher, and if the system stops a single instance of crime on your property it will more than pay for itself.

The reduction in your insurance premium that may come as a result of burglar alarm installation will also offset these costs significantly.


It is possible that a criminal will attempt to steal or tamper with your burglar alarm Glasgow.

As security industry experts, at Central FS we will recommend the perfect spot for installation, usually high up on the front of your property out of reach, so that the possibility of this is much reduced.

Contact Us

Central FS are one of the UK’s leading providers of burglar alarm systems.

For more information on our products or any of the other bespoke security services that we offer, call us today on 0141 530 1244, or by email at